Treatments specialities
Anxiety disorder
Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders
These can include:
Difficulty with concentration and focussing on tasks
Can't get to sleep or stay asleep - insomnia
Struggling to work, study, parent or keep up at home
Unable to handle stress with normal coping strategies
Difficulty maintaining a healthy appetite or experiencing significant weight loss or weight gain
Using drugs or alcohol to cope
Engaging in risk-taking behaviours
A sudden or incremental lack of interest in activities that once brought enjoyment
Panic attacks
Fear of being around others, even children or family
Mistrust of people they normally confided in or counted on
A sense of guilt and unworthiness
Restlessness or agitation
Anger and violent outbursts
When to Seek Help
If you have one or more of the above symptoms and these are starting to have an impact on your life such as you are avoiding talking to people or going out, avoiding activities and general life commitments that previously didn’t bother you, then it is time to reach out and get some help.
Forms Of Treatment
There are several different methods that can help alleviate anxiety disorder, from BWRT to talking therapy, CBT techniques, hypnotherapy and mindfulness training. I use a unique blend of of these techniques to provide a bespoke therapy for each individual client.
What to Expect From Therapy
When you come to see me you can expect an informal chat about your issues and some practical tips as to how you can help yourself. Together we will work out what your triggers are and how best to treat them in a comfortable, safe and friendly environment.
I do not offer courses of therapy as each individual brings a unique set of symptoms and requirements. This means that we can tailor make your therapy to suit all of your requirements in both time and finance to ensure the most effective outcome.
You may need help with your anxiety if you are suffering with any of the following symptoms
Health anxiety
If you are worrying about your health to an extreme you may find some or all of the below symptoms are affecting your day to day life help is at hand.
Symptoms of Health Anxiety
Inability to stay focussed on a task or job
Trouble sleeping
Restlessness and/or agitation
Constantly checking or scanning body for change, an example of this would be if a lump or bruise was found, constant checking to see if it had changed or got bigger or changed shape or colour multiples times per day.
Making numerous appointments to see GP and, or, dentist.
Feeling unsettled straight after a GP appointment that you had forgotten a symptom that may change the GP’s diagnosis
Constantly googling symptoms looking for peace of mind which never comes
When to Seek Help
If you have one or more of the above symptoms which are starting to have an impact on your daily life such as you an ability to focus on day to day tasks, constant feelings of anxiety and inability to relax and sleep, then it is time to get some help. Or maybe your GP has advised that you have health anxiety and you want to find out more? Contact me now to book a free initial consultation.
Forms Of Treatment
There are several different methods that can help alleviate health anxiety from BWRT to talking therapy, CBT techniques, hypnotherapy and mindfulness training. I use a unique blend of of these techniques to provide a bespoke therapy for each individual client.
What to Expect From Therapy
When you come to see me you can expect an informal chat about your issues and some practical tips as to how you can help yourself. Together we will work out what your triggers are and how best to treat them in a comfortable, safe and friendly environment.
I do not have courses of therapy as each individual brings a unique set of symptoms and requirements. This means that we can tailor make your therapy to suit all of your requirements in both time and finance to ensure the most effective outcome.
Relationship Challenges
There are many different situations in life which can lead to relationship challenges, it is important to realise that it is common and normal to have these ups and downs and to realise when we need a helping hand. Changes in life can bring imbalance which in many cases just needs identifying and tweaking in order for things to come back in alignment.
When to Seek Help
It is not necessary to wait until your relationship is at crisis point before seeking professional help. Many couples will benefit from a few sessions of therapy periodically to help them with minor issues.
However should either of you be experiencing any of the following scenarios then more urgent help may be required:
Trust issues with your partner
You are unwilling to express yourself, discuss problems, or even engage in simple daily conversations with your partner
You find your energy is drained from your relationship
You experience feelings of loneliness even when your partner is present
Arguments are becoming the norm
You have resentment over unresolved conflicts
You are considering leaving the relationship and/or divorce
There is a long standing silence and lack of communication
It is no longer possible to forgive your partner
Forms of Approach
Relationship counselling allows the couple a safe space where they can communicate more effectively with one another in order to express their needs and discuss any conflict in a controlled and calm manner.
What to Expect From Therapy
When you come to see me you can expect an informal chat about your issues and some practical tips as to how you can help your relationship. Together we will work out what your triggers are and how best to treat them in a comfortable, safe and friendly environment.
I do not have courses of therapy as each individual brings a unique set of symptoms and requirements. This means that we can tailor make your therapy to suit all of your requirements in both time and finance to ensure the most effective outcome.
Just found out you are pregnant? It is never too soon to start looking at hypnobirthing and how it can help you to achieve a safer, gentler birth for you and your baby.
The course
The course is designed in several parts history of birthing and hypnobirthing and dispelling myths and beliefs that we still carry in society today.
The second part of the course goes into detail about the birthing muscles and organs and what nature intended.
The third part of the course looks at hypnosis and visualisation to assist the birthing mother to achieve a calm and natural birthing experience.
Other elements of the course look at any past trauma relating to the birthing mother’s history and to allay any fears so that the birthing couple can go forward to embrace their birthing day with calm anticipation.
Forms of Approach
The course is delivered over a 4-5 week period with the last session being prior to the given due date, this is essential with first time mums.
The course can be delivered as a group session or as individual couple basis.
The course can be started from 15 weeks gestation.
What to Expect From Therapy
The setting is relaxed and informal and you are encouraged to bring pillows or blankets to ensure maximum comfort, there are some available but please do feel free to bring your own.
The fear of sickness can be in the form of becoming ill yourself or bearing witness to others being sick around you or a combination of the two. This debilitating phobia can lead to all sorts of social phobias which can see you imprisoned in your own home unable to socialise and live your life to the full. Hypnosis and BWRT can help put you back in the driving seat of your fear.
Symptoms of the Disorder
An all consuming fear of becoming ill, being around others that may become ill, fearing certain times of the year such as the onset of winter when sickness and diahorea become more prevalent.
Fearing becoming pregnant or actively writing off having children due to the fear of morning sickness. Many emetophobe’s conduct their lives with rules which they must abide by such as not eating chicken, not eating out, not having take aways or if they do only tried and tested places. Not eating at friend’s houses, not going to overly populated places due to the possibility of contamination.
Emetophobia is the fifth most common phobia but so little is spoken about it, known as the secret phobia, because no one understands, how it feels to have emetophobia.
When to Seek Help
If you are experiencing some of the above symptoms and feel that this is ruining your life and you want to be free of the chains it has put upon you, then change is ready and waiting for you.
Forms Of Treatment
There are several different methods that can help alleviate emetophobia from BWRT to talking therapy, CBT techniques, hypnotherapy and mindfulness training. I use a unique blend of of these techniques to provide a bespoke therapy for each individual client.
What to Expect From Therapy
When you come to see me you can expect an informal chat about your issues and some practical tips as to how you can help yourself. Together we will work out what your triggers are and how best to treat them in a comfortable, safe and friendly environment.
I do not have courses of therapy as each individual brings a unique set of symptoms and requirements. This means that we can tailor make your therapy to suit all of your requirements in both time and finance to ensure the most effective outcome.
Grief & Loss
Grief and loss are natural things that most of us will experience at times in our lives. Whether it is bereavement of a loved one or friend or pet, or the loss of a job or home, or the end of a relationship.
Some of the most common symptoms include:
Shock and numbness – often the first reaction to loss, and people often talk about “being in a daze”
Overwhelming sadness, with lots of crying
Tiredness or exhaustion
Anger – towards the person you’ve lost or the reason for your loss
Guilt – for example, guilt about feeling angry, about something you said or did not say, or not being able to stop your loved one dying
These feelings may not be there all the time and powerful feelings may appear unexpectedly.
It’s not always easy to recognise when bereavement, grief or loss are the reason you’re acting or feeling differently.
BWRT has proven to be very effective in taking the sting out of bereavement and loss by allowing the client to experience a loving good bye with the loss, clients have typically felt calmer and more at peace shortly afterwards.
Alex Severn Integrated Therapist
For speciality treatments in-clinic or remotely using Zoom.
Get in touch to arrange your free initial hypnotherapy consultation.
Call: 07800 939574